Rumours abound that the next revolution is a three dimensional one:

Accelerated 3D is continuing its race to the mass market. Intel insiders are
privately/publicly leaking estimates that by early 1997,
over 50% of new compute will ship with 3D rasterization acceleration.
Combine this with Intel's latest processor roadmap,
which forecasts home market 200MHz systems for 4th quarter 1996
at $2,500-3,000.
Computer Graphics Enter a New (Third) Dimension

Hardware comes in many shapes, sizes, and prices.
I outline below two of the main players in this rapidly evolving new world,
the world famous Silicon Graphics, and its hot contender the PC.

The PC currently requires a graphics accelerator to enable it to reach anything like the power of the SGi,
althougth there are now software only solutions (eg RenderWare)
producing quite stunning realtime 3d rendering, mainly aimed at the games world (thanks to Doom).

The accelerator has a lowlevel software/hardware graphics interface, the Application Program Interface (API),
OpenGL (OpenGL 3-D Graphics )
appears to be the industrial graphics interface standard, created by Silicon Graphics,
whereas Direct3d from Microsoft (Microsoft Direct3D Backgrounder)
appears to be the low-end (home/ business/ games) contender,
supported by nearly all the new forthcoming games 3D accelerators (less than £500).

If any battle appears to be on the horizon, it could be a battle of standards with Microsoft calling the shots..
Netscape may also be a target, their 3D rendering software being Renderware (RenderWare Datasheet)

Microsoft is aggressively targetting the upper platforms with the acquisition of
SOFTIMAGE means that a previous SGi only product will now run on a PC platform.

General high powered computer processing

Silicon Graphics' Silicon Surf
Pentium Pro's
Intergraph Software Solutions
Micron Electronics Price Sheets
Intel Pentium(R) Pro Processor On-line Introduction

Games quality - less than £500, some of these are only chip sets,
and not yet available as boards (May 1996)

GLINT 300SX Technical Specification
GLINT based Graphics Boards
PERMEDIA - Technical Overview
SurRender - Real-Time 3D Surround GFX Render Engine
3Dlabs Online
Hercules Terminator 64/3D
3Dfx Interactive Voodoo Graphics
Pyramid3D Details
PowerVR (Videologic&NEC)
Stratos 3D Press Release
Rendition: Press Releases

Industrial quality 3d accelerators:
Intergraph International Online
Evans&Sutherland Product Information ( 1-Apr-1996)
Lockheed Martin REAL 3D®

Serious overview of all possible graphics cards contenders:

Games accelerators overview
Jérôme Muffat-Méridol - 3D game accelerators for the PC
A shorter overview:
3D Card analysis

General 3d hardware overview link lists
3D Industry Contacts
Hardware - Dimension 3D

Three D Viewers
3D Stereoscopic Video Display Project Page