This does not include the many 3D design packages available on the PC,
(eg 3D Studio Max, Softimage, Alias, Lightwave 3D)
but focuses instead on vr and 3D software development tools.
Tools that enable portability across PC and SGI platforms are of specific interest.

The low level software hardware interface, the API, application program interface,
defines the 3D hardware/software functionality.

The recognised industrial standard is Open GL, created by Silicon Graphics,
and very much a standard with industrial quality 3D accelerator cards.
Windows NT is supplied with Open GL drivers..
OpenGL 3-D Graphics
OpenGL WWW Center
OpenGL resources and 3D graphics

The new standard aimed at the games accelerator market is Direct3D from Microsoft.
Microsoft Direct3D Backgrounder

Silicon Graphics ported Tools
SOFTIMAGE 3D for Windows NT
TGS Graphics Toolkit Products
OpenGVS InfoCenter
Open Inventor(tm) Products from TGS
Open Inventor for Win32
Open Inventor 2.0
Silicon Graphics software (general)
Silicon Surf UK

C library toolkit software rendering
Microsoft Announces Acquisition of RenderMorphics, Ltd.
RenderWare Datasheet

Virtual Reality Tools
Worldtoolkit : SENSE8 Corporation - Home Page
WorldToolKit Users' Group
VREAM : VREAM Inc. - About Us
Derby company creates a vr toolkit:Welcome to RealiMation!
OpenGVS, top end simulation toolkit:Gemini Technology Corporation Home Page
Virtek International Corp. Complimentary Personal Edition of 3D-Ware v1.0