Programming as sculpture

Sculpting in software - a strange and demanding medium.
Its hard work toiling over the C code, trying to realise an intuitive visualisation of dynamic 3D form,
programming with physics, mathematics, whilst at the same time trying to revisualise the artwork itself -
the interactive generation of dynamic form - the just cause for which the battle is being fought (?!)
..the technology demands attention, the mastering and controlling of its functions, its inputs and outputs.
The alterworld of cartesian co-ordinates made spheroid, the battling for control and manipulability of the vectors,
the simulated forces, data structures, lighting, material, interaction,
and the probing and altering of equations to release a subtle sense of resonance, of mystery, surprise - magick
And then there is the real world, the installation - its physicality and interaction, its presence, its message via form and matter,
its construction, electronics, design and fabrication..and of course time..(energy and space).